

This week has focused on texturing assets in Substance Painter.  Assets have now been grouped together in Maya to be exported into Substance Painter.

Fig 202 - Grouping.

Fig 203 -UV mapping.

Once the items were grouped together, faces of all grouped assets were selected and then laid out using the layout feature, preparing the assets for the texturing phase.

Chandler Pope-Lewis had previously received a file of the mine shaft entrance for testing purposes in Unity.  Chandler has since made alterations to the entrance, making it larger and more into a tunnel.  The new version of the mine entrance has now been received, UV mapped and is ready for texturing with the other assets in Substance Painter.

Fig 204- Mine Entrance.

Material files were then downloaded from Substance Share, https://share.allegorithmic.com/ (Share. allegorithimic.com, 2015), which would benefit the textures of the assets.

Fig 205 - Textures.

One example of texturing assets can be seen in figure 206 with the shed.  A old wood planks, aged, texture was applied to the asset.  More work needs to be done in terms of detail and adding a damaged, worn appearance to the shed to match the imagery and theme for the game.
Fig 206 - Textured Shed.


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