Fig 19 - Model scaling.
As part of the continuation with finalising elements to the block out stages for the level, it was highlighted by Tony Wright through a group chat that the size and scale of the house did not appear to be to the correct scale in line with the dimensions of the characters created by Patryk Kuligowski.
Fig 14 - Group Communication.
Fig 15- Group Communication.
Fig 16 - Group Communication.
Fig 17 - Group Communication.
Fig 18 - Group Communication.
Initially as stated it was thought the house at this stage was too small for the character dimensions or it was not to scale. The exterior and interior of the house had been created to scale using a model mannequin which is 180 cm, the average human height.
Fig 20 - Model scaling.
Once the blocks and mannequin were compared it was realised the house was in scale, however it was felt by some members of the group that the interior of the house was too small, in that the rooms should be larger to accommodate the character's size and make the house feel more like a mansion.
The house's interior model designer Connor Burdett had stated previously that the walls were possibly to wide. This could be what other members of the group were heading towards with the scaling and size feedback.
Another group meeting will take place on Monday 28/1/2019 in which the size of the house model and the interior will be discussed to see if the house needs to be larger for the theme of the game, or whether the current size and layout are correct and as Connor Burdett has previously stated the walls are too thick at this time and require downsizing in order for the characters to feel more in proportion and scale.
Sounds & Noises
Further work was continued with the level in regards to possible noises and sounds that would be required for each member of the groups section of the game. A excel spreadsheet was set up for group members to enter possible noise and sounds that might be required for their sections as can be seen in figure 21.
Fig 21 - Sound & Noise Excel spreadsheet.
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